1 Adrenal | Paediatric | Svetlana Lajic | Sweden | Karolinska University Hospital |
1 Adrenal | Adult | Nicole Reisch | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich |
1 Adrenal | ePAG | Manuela Brösamle | Germany | AGS-Eltern- und Patienteninitiative e.V. |
1 Adrenal | ePAG | Giorgio Dal Maso | Italy | ArfSAG (Associazione Refionale Famiglie Sindrome Adreno Genitale) |
1 Adrenal | ePAG | Jette Kristensen | Denmark | Addison Foreningen Danmark |
1 Adrenal | ePAG | Alessandro Lazzerini | Spain | Spanish Association of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) |
1 Adrenal | ePAG | Zuzana Smith | Slovakia | Združenie Addisonikov Slovenska |
2 Disorders of Calcium & Phosphate Homeostasis | Paediatric | Corinna Grasemann | Germany | Katholisches Klinikum Bochum |
2 Disorders of Calcium & Phosphate Homeostasis | Adult | Eva Kassi | Greece | General Hospital of Athens “LAIKO” |
2 Disorders of Calcium & Phosphate Homeostasis | ePAG | Martha Kirchhoff | Germany | Phosphatdiabetes e.V. |
3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis | Adult and Paediatric | Pietro Maffei | Italy | Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova (AOP) |
3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis | Paediatric | Felix Reschke | Germany | Hannoversche Kinderheilanstalt, Diabetes Centre for Children and Adolescents |
3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis | ePAG | Valeria Corradin | Italy | AILIP (Ass.ne Italiana Lipodistrofia) |
3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis | ePAG | Nolwen LeFloch | France | Association du syndrome de Wolfram (ASW) |
3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis | ePAG | Bernd Rosenbichler | Germany | Alström Syndrom e.V. |
4 Genetic Endocrine Tumour Syndromes | Adult | Frederic Castinetti | France | Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Marseille |
4 Genetic Endocrine Tumour Syndromes | Paediatric | Antje Redlich | Germany | University Children’s Hospital Magdeburg |
4 Genetic Endocrine Tumour Syndromes | ePAG | Petra Bruegmann | Germany | German Network of Pituitary and Adrenal Diseases |
5 Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes | Adult | Charlotte Höybye | Sweden | Karolinska University Hospital |
5 Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes | Paediatric | Susan O’Connell | Ireland | Beaumont Hospital & Children’s Health Ireland |
5 Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes | ePAG | Patricia Carl | Germany | BKMF e.V. (Federal Association for People of Short Stature and their Families) |
5 Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes | ePAG | Nathalie Ferard | France | Association Grandir |
5 Growth & Genetic Obesity Syndromes | ePAG | Berit Otterlei | Norway | Landsforeningen for Prader-Willis Syndrom |
6 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Conditions | Adult | Nienke Biermasz | Netherlands | Leiden University Medical Center |
6 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Conditions | Paediatric | Evangelia Charmandari | Greece | Aghia Sophia Children’s Hospital |
6 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Conditions | ePAG | Johan de Graaf | Netherlands | Dutch Pituitary Foundation |
6 Hypothalamic and Pituitary Conditions | ePAG | Diana Vitali | Italy | SOD ITALIA – Italian organization for septo optic dysplasia and other neuroendocrine disorders |
7 Sex Development & Maturation | Paediatric | Hedi Claahsen | Netherlands | Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center – including Amalia’s children Hospital |
7 Sex Development & Maturation | Adult | Claus H. Gravholt | Denmark | Aarhus University Hospital |
7 Sex Development & Maturation | ePAG | Lexi Breen | United Kingdom | Klinefelter’s Syndrome Association |
7 Sex Development & Maturation | ePAG | Manuela Brösamle | Germany | AGS-Eltern- und Patienteninitiative e.V. |
7 Sex Development & Maturation | ePAG | Arlene Smyth | United Kingdom | Turner Syndrome Support Society |
8 Thyroid | Paediatric | Athanasia Stoupa | France | Assistance Publique – Consortium Cochin, Robert Debré, Necker, St Antoine, La Pitié Salpétrière, Trousseau University Hospitals |
8 Thyroid | Adult | Edward Visser | Netherlands | Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam |
8 Thyroid | ePAG | Beate Bartès | France | Vivre sans Thyroide |
8 Thyroid | ePAG | Esther Bloem | Netherlands | Dutch Thyroid Organisation (Schildklier Organisatie Nederland) |