Disease Expansion

Endo-ERN members can apply for the expansion of disease areas for their institution. All applications require, in the first instance, approval by Endo-ERN MTG chairs. More information about the process can be found herePoints to note:

  • Applications must be made by the HCP primary or substitute representative
  • Applicants will need to complete a detailed excel that will require information about various topics including: services offered, the multidisciplinary team, number of patients seen, research activities, clinical practice guidelines and patient numbers.
  • letter of endorsement from your National Ministry for Health.*
  • Evaluation team members will not review applications from their own country in order to prevent any conflict of interest.
  • Notification of the decision will be by letter from the Network coordinator/deputy coordinator.

*Your National Ministry for Health may provide a general (and not disease specific) endorsement that was used for your original application. Please provide this letter with your application.   Next steps: Contact the Endo-ERN project office (primary/substitute representative) and request the application excel. Please include the name of your institution and the planned expansion MTG.

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