Endo-ERN is focused on 8 main thematic groups (MTGs) which cover rare and/or complex endocrine conditions
Endo-ERN is a network of 100+ Reference Centres (RCs) in 28 EU member states that offers access to clinical experts for patients with rare endocrine conditions.
Endo-ERN is the network for rare endocrine conditions providing healthcare professionals with access to a variety of resources to support patient care.
If you work at a member institution this page will help with your Endo-ERN contributions.
Access to rare disease expertise without the need to travel is a core ERN objective. Our ePAGs contribute to all Endo-ERN activities.
Updating contact information
DG Sante/European Commission requires that all communication with members is via their work email address.
Primary/Substitute Updates
For updates to the HCP primary/substitute contact information this form should be completed by the hospital CEO and emailed to the Endo-ERN Project Office.
Adding/updating individuals
For any changes or additions to HCP teams please provide the following information:
Updating MTG assignments
Primary/substitute contacts can update HCP MTG assignments by emailing the Endo-ERN project office with any changes. Please indicate if it is an addition or replacement. If it is a replacement indicate the name of the person they are replacing and what is happening to that individual (retire, leaving, other duties). If leaving please follow the Adding/updating individuals instructions above and provide additional information.
Representatives per Main Thematic Group (MTG) are assigned by the main/substitute representatives and are the lead for the MTG at the institution. They are MTG experts and represent the reference centre at the MTG meetings that take place during the year.
Participants are also assigned by the main/substitute representatives and support the MTG leads. It may be the case that the MTG they participate in is a sub-specialty. It is possible for a Representative for one MTG to be a participant for another.
If you need further clarification please email the Endo-ERN project office.
Individual leaving institution
If an update involves an individual member moving on from your HCP please indicate new institution where possible. These records will be updated if the individual moves to another network HCP and archived if not. They will remain on the newsletter list until they unsubscribe.
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