COVID-19 Pandemic

During this time with the pandemic of COVID-19, Endo-ERN remains committed to its aims to provide the best possible support to patients with rare endocrine diseases and their families.


This section has been created to become a hub for patients with rare endocrine conditions who need information, and clinicians treating COVID-19 patients with rare endocrine conditions.

This section will continuously be updated with the most relevant information that is provided throughout Europe (and beyond) about COVID-19, in association with rare endocrine diseases. This comprises information for patients about preventive measures, guidelines, initiatives from healthcare professionals, experts, health authorities, and patient associations from different countries and in different languages.

If you have a question related to a rare endocrine condition and COVID-19, please let us know via this page, and we will contact the right expert to answer your question

Information video for patients and healthcare professionals

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