Read more: Successful Endo-ERN General Assembly 2024

Image Endo ERN GA

The 8th Endo-ERN was hosted in Milan by Luca Persani of Endo-ERN healthcare provider (HCP) member Istituto Auxologico Italiano – Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Italy. Held April 23-24, the Endo-ERN GA was attended by nearly 150 people from 89 different HCP members and ePAGs. The event featured 15 plenary sessions with topics such as:

  • New grant period 2024-2027
  • Roadmap to Copenhagen & Transition
  • ERDERA Landmark Integration Project
  • JARDIN Landmark Integration Project
  • Patient journeys
  • European medicine shortages: How can we avoid a disaster for patients with rare conditions?


There were updates from all 9 Endo-ERN work packages, as well as the introduction of the Transversal Working Groups on Genetic Testing and Transition. Each of the Main Thematic Groups (MTGs) had interactive breakout sessions that featured discussions on training and education planning, definitions of complex rare disease criteria, how to effectively participate in virtual consultations.


Check out the presentations from Day 1 and Day 2.

This entry was posted in General.