Genetic disorders of Glucose & Homeostasis


The representatives for MTG3 Genetic Disorders of Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis are:

prof. Pietro Maffei
Pietro Maffei

Pietro Maffei Adult and Paediatric chair

dr. Felix Reschke
Felix Reschke

Felix Reschke Paediatric chair

Valeria Corradin
Valeria Corradin

Valeria Corradin ePAG representative

Nolwen LeFloch
Nolwen LeFloch

Nolwen LeFloch ePAG representative

Bernd Rosenbichler
Bernd Rosenbichler

Bernd Rosenbichler ePAG representative

Alström Syndrom e.V. (Unterföhring, Germany)

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You can contact the representatives of MTG “Glucose & Insulin Homeostasis” directly via email at or use the contact form below.

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