Congratulations to Endo-ERN researcher Edward Visser, Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam who won the Best Presentation Award in the category ORAL: CLINICAL Trials at the ERICA GA. The topic Thyroid hormone analogue (TRIAC) therapy for resistance to thyroid hormone in children.
The aim of the European Rare Disease Research Coordination and Support Action consortium (#ERICA), in which all 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs) take part, is to build on the strength of the individual ERNs and create a platform that integrates all ERNs research and innovation capacity.
ERICA hosted the first ERN Research Conference with a call to submit abstracts exemplifying #ERN-Research. Submission were welcomed from research activities that addressed a relevant question that cannot be tackled other than by international network collaboration. We received 50 Abstracts! Check out some of the digital posters.
The selected 10 got a chance to Present their research during the thematic plenary sessions and 25 to present their Posters (incl. 9 Poster Pitches). Congratulations to all the Finalists! The Scientific Committee had a really hard time making the selection! During the Award Ceremony the first laureates were announced and awarded.