WEBINAR: Getting to Know Rare Disease Registries

Getting to know Endo-ERN Rare Disease Registries

Endo-ERN is hosting a series of webinars to showcase the programmes and resources that are available to support the rare disease community.

To kick-off the series we are delighted that our EuRRECa colleagues will present on the topic of Rare Disease Registries.

1600 Importance of Rare Disease Registries in the current landscape, Prof. Faisal Ahmed, PI of EuRRECa, University of Glasgow, Leiden University Medical Center

1610 Results from EuRRECa, Dr. Ana Luisa Priego Zurita, EuRRECa & EuRR-Bone Research Fellow, Leiden University Medical Center

1630 Getting started with EuRRECa, Tess de Rooij, EuRRECa & EuRR-Bone, Project Manager, Leiden University Medical Center

1650 Q&A

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Webinar summary

WebinarGetting to Know Rare Disease Registries
DateMarch 22nd, 2023
Time16:00 – 17:00 hr
Speakersprof. Faisal Ahmed
RegistrationRegistration is closed