WEBINAR: Management of thyroid nodules in children (ETA guidelines)


Register now for this webinar planned by members of Endo-ERN’s Main Thematic Group 8 Thyroid & endorsed by the European Thyroid Association.

Event chairs: H.M. van Santen, MD PhD, Pediatric Endocrinologist & J. Léger, MD PhD, Pediatric Endocrinologist


1600 Welcome & Introduction, Chairs

1605 Pediatric thyroid nodules: epidemiology, risk factors and differential diagnosis, S.C. Clement, MD PhD, The Netherlands

1620 Why is the workup of the pediatric nodule different than the adult nodule, and its differentiation of thyroid cancer, C.A. Lebbink, MD PhD, The Netherlands

1635 Diagnostic performance of adult-based TIRADS ultrasound risk stratification systems in pediatric thyroid nodules, G. Tuli, MD PhD, Italy

1700 The complex cyto-molecular landscape of pediatric thyroid nodules, F. Pagni, MD PhD, Italy

1725 Questions led by chairs

Register now using the link below.


Webinar summary

WebinarManagement of thyroid nodules in children (ETA guidelines)
DateJune 29th, 2023
Time16:00 – 17:30 hr
RegistrationRegistration is closed