Reference Centre:

Institute of Oncology “Prof dr. Ion Chiricuta” CLUJ NAPOCA


Founded in 1929, The Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr I. Chiricuta” Cluj-Napoca, is a government-funded hospital with 970 employees out of which 249 are physicians and 314 are nurses. It is a dedicated cancer centre with multiple cancer treatment departments and clinical wards comprising 597 beds. The most important Oncology Institute from Romania, member of The Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) since 2008, the Institute has been certified in November 2017 as “Clinical Cancer Centre”. The Institute provides preventive, curative and palliative medical services in the field of oncology, with more than 25,000 patients treated each year. The Institute of Oncology “Prof. Dr I. Chiricuta” has one of the largest databases in the field of endocrine tumours, mainly thyroid cancer, from Romania, fact that enables the position within Endo-ERN. Also, the Institute focuses on extensive investigations in fundamental sciences and prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. The Institute coordinates basic, clinical, translational and population research. It is a source of innovation and it developed an integrated platform for research, patient care and teaching for the benefit of our patients, for their well-being and a better quality of life.

Being the Regional Management Unit for Screening Program and host institution of the NW Regional Cancer Registry, the Institute hosts a group of experts in epidemiology, public health, health economics, gynaeco-oncology and colposcopy, family doctors, data managers and registrars.

Institute of Oncology “Prof dr. Ion Chiricuta” CLUJ NAPOCA is participating in the following Main Thematic Groups (MTGs):

Contact information

Institute of Oncology “Prof dr. Ion Chiricuta” CLUJ NAPOCA
Strada Republicii 34-36
400015  Cluj-Napoca

General representatives

  • Doina Piciu (Main representative, Adult)
  • Patriciu Achimas-Cadariu (Substitute representative, Adult)
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Representatives per Main Thematic Group (MTG)