Endo-ERN is focused on 8 main thematic groups (MTGs) which cover rare and/or complex endocrine conditions
Endo-ERN is a network of 100+ Reference Centres (RCs) in 28 EU member states that offers access to clinical experts for patients with rare endocrine conditions.
Endo-ERN is the network for rare endocrine conditions providing healthcare professionals with access to a variety of resources to support patient care.
If you work at a member institution this page will help with your Endo-ERN contributions.
Access to rare disease expertise without the need to travel is a core ERN objective. Our ePAGs contribute to all Endo-ERN activities.
The 9th Endo-ERN General Assembly (GA) is scheduled for Friday, 9 May from 13:30-19:00 and Saturday, 10 May from 9:00 to 12:00 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
It will take place at the same location as the Joint Congress of ESPE and ESE, 2025 10-13 May, 2025
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